Tech Generation Ltd – Terms, Conditions, and Disclaimer

Information About Us

Tech Generation Limited is a private limited company (limited by shares), incorporated in England & Wales in 2014 with the registration number 09248318. Our registered office is located at Dalton House, 60 Windsor Avenue, SW19 2RR, United Kingdom. The company may also be referred to as Tech Generation Ltd. Furthermore, we operate under the brand names “Pressific,” “Biznific,” and “Fusion Bear.”

Access to Our Website

The websites,,, and are managed by Tech Generation Limited. Access to these websites is granted on a temporary basis. We reserve the right to amend, modify, or withdraw the services provided on any of our sites at our discretion and without prior notice.

Terms of Website Use

Your use of our website signifies your acceptance of the terms and conditions stipulated herein. If you do not agree to comply with these terms and conditions, you are advised to discontinue use of the site.

Eligibility and Authority

  • By submitting an order via our website, you affirm the following:
    • You have the legal capacity to enter into enforceable contracts.
    • You are a minimum of 18 years of age.
  • If placing an order as a representative of a business or corporate entity, you also affirm:
    • You possess the requisite authority to commit the business or entity for which the order is being placed.

Ordering Procedure

  • To place an order for Services, you may either register an account with us or use Stripe / GoCardless, our third-party payment processing services, for direct transactions. If you opt for account registration, the information you provide during the process must be accurate and complete. By creating an account, you acknowledge that we reserve the right to restrict or suspend access to your account and Services if we have reasonable grounds to question the accuracy of the information provided.
  • Prior to confirming your order, an on-screen summary will display the details of the Services you intend to purchase, as well as the total cost. This is your opportunity to make any necessary corrections before finalising the order.
  • By placing an order through any method, you are confirming your agreement to all terms outlined herein.
  • Following the successful completion of an order, a confirmation email detailing the Services acquired will be dispatched to the email address you have provided, either via your registered account or directly through Stripe. Historical invoices will be accessible within your registered account for future reference, if applicable.

Formation of Contract

  • Upon placing an order, you will receive an email from us acknowledging your order and, if applicable, notifying you that the Hosting Service you’ve purchased is now active. Your order is considered an offer to purchase our Services, subject to our acceptance.
  • A binding agreement between us (“Contract”) is only formed when we send you the Acceptance Confirmation. We reserve the right to decline your order for any Services and will communicate this to you if it occurs.
  • The Contract will pertain solely to those Services explicitly confirmed in the Acceptance Confirmation. We are under no obligation to provide any additional Services that may have been included in your original order unless these Services have been specifically confirmed.

Our Role

  • Our website may feature links to external sites, whether or not they are affiliated with us. We can’t make any guarantees concerning the quality of products or services you may purchase from these external sites. All warranties regarding such products or services are hereby disclaimed.
  • Such disclaimers do not impact your statutory rights against third-party sellers.

Developer Time Allocation and Rollover:

Any developer time allocated to a client for a specific time period, such as a month, must be used within that designated period. Unused developer hours will not carry over to subsequent periods. It is the client’s responsibility to ensure they utilise the allocated time within the specified period. No refunds or credits will be given for unutilised developer hours.

Quality Assurance

  • We commit to providing any Services purchased through our website with a reasonable degree of care and skill, in line with the rest of these terms and conditions.
  • We will not be held liable for breaching the above warranty unless the following conditions are met:
    • You notify us in writing of the breach.
    • We are provided with a reasonable chance to examine our provision of the Services post-receipt of the breach notice.
    • The issue arises due to your failure to adhere to our instructions regarding the Services, whether these instructions are oral or written.
    • You modify the Services without our written approval.
    • The issue results from misuse of the Services.
  • If we are found to be in breach of the above warranty, we will either make commercially reasonable efforts to rectify the issue or offer a pro-rata refund for the Services.
  • By agreeing to these terms, you acknowledge that you haven’t relied on any statement, promise, or representation that is not explicitly stated on our website or confirmed by us in writing. This clause does not limit or exclude our liability for fraudulent misrepresentation.

Access to Hosting Service

  • You’re responsible for making all necessary arrangements to gain access to our Hosting Services.
  • Additionally, you are responsible for ensuring that anyone accessing our Services through your Internet connection is aware of these terms and conditions, especially our acceptable use policy.

Hosting Service Usage Limitations

  • The Hosting Service package selected includes a specific bandwidth allowance per calendar month, as detailed on our website at the time of your order.
  • If you exceed this monthly bandwidth allowance, the Hosting Service will be automatically suspended. You may either upgrade to a package with a higher bandwidth allowance or wait for service to resume at the beginning of the next calendar month. Bandwidth usage can be monitored via our control panel.
  • Unless your Hosting Service package includes a virtual private server, usage is limited to a maximum of 10% of our server’s processing capacity.
  • We may, at our discretion, permit usage to exceed this CPU limitation. Should your usage negatively impact our other customers, we will discuss your hosting needs with you.
  • The number of mailboxes included in your Hosting Service package is specified on our website at the time of your order.
  • Mailboxes that have not been accessed for 100 clear days will be automatically removed from our system.
  • Compliance with our Terms of Website Use and Acceptable Use Policy is mandatory when using the Services. In case of any conflict between these documents and the present terms and conditions, the latter will prevail.
  • A violation of either the Terms of Website Use or Acceptable Use Policy authorizes us to terminate the provision of Services to you.

Customer Support

  • Our support team is on hand to assist with resolving issues related to the Services you’re receiving. However, note that we don’t provide programming support. Our servers are compatible with a wide range of programming languages as part of our Hosting Services.
  • We do not offer telephone-based support. All support is provided through online support tickets or online chat.

Domain Names

  • If your Contract includes our Domain Registration and Renewal Service, we’ll strive to secure the registration of the domain name you specify.
  • We won’t be responsible if the relevant domain name registry declines your domain name registration or revokes it later.
  • We don’t act as your agent in dealings with the domain name registry.
  • The registration and ongoing use of your requested domain name is subject to the domain name registry’s terms, which you should review.
  • You’re responsible for complying with these terms and ensuring you’re aware of them.
  • Successful registration of your chosen domain name is confirmed when you appear as the registrant in the relevant ‘whois’ database.
  • We reserve the right to ask you to choose a different domain name or suspend our Domain Registration and Renewal Service if we believe your chosen domain name violates these terms, legal norms, or is chosen in bad faith.
  • You assure that you either own or have permission to use any trademark in the domain name you’ve asked to be registered.
  • You confirm that you’re the legal owner (or have appropriate authority) of any domain name used in connection with the Hosting Service we provide.
  • Domain names need to be renewed periodically. Renewal reminders will be sent to your registered email address 30 days and 7 days before the due date.
  • You authorise us to automatically renew the domain name unless you’ve cancelled the Domain Registration and Renewal Service in accordance with these terms.
  • Renewal costs are specified in the customer administration area and will be charged to one of your registered payment methods.
  • Be aware that we may place a variety of locks on any domain registered with us at any time without additional notice.

Intellectual Property Rights

  • All intellectual property rights related to our site and its content are either owned by or licensed to Tech Generation Limited. These works are protected by global copyright laws. Unauthorized use, including but not limited to commercial exploitation, is strictly prohibited.
  • You keep all intellectual property rights of your material. You grant us a global, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, store, and publish your material on our servers.
  • You confirm your material doesn’t infringe on any third party’s intellectual property rights and that you’re authorised to grant us this license.
  • If anyone claims your material infringes their intellectual property rights, you’ll defend us and cover any related costs, including legal fees.
  • We provide software downloads under a non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free license. This license ends if we stop hosting your content.
  • For third-party software you download via our site, the owner’s standard licensing terms apply.
  • If our Hosting Services are claimed to infringe UK intellectual property rights, we’ll defend you and cover judgment or settlement amounts, under specific conditions outlined.

Our Liability

  • Tech Generation Limited and its associates are not liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages that may arise from your use or inability to use our service.
  • We don’t monitor your material and aren’t liable for it.
  • Because the Internet is public, we can’t protect the privacy of your emails or other transferred info.
  • We can’t guarantee that our Hosting Services will be completely secure or free from unauthorised users.
  • We exclude all terms, conditions, warranties, and representations that aren’t explicitly laid out in this contract.
  • However, we don’t exclude or limit liability for our own negligence leading to death or injury, under the Consumer Protection Act 1987, for fraud, or any other situation where it’s illegal for us to do so.
  • We’re not liable for various types of losses, whether direct or indirect, caused by negligence or otherwise (e.g., loss of profits, data, goodwill).
  • Our maximum liability is capped at 100% of what you’ve paid us for the Services in the 12 months before the liability-triggering event.
  • You’re advised to get business interruption or other insurance to cover Service interruptions.
  • Liability for products or services bought through third-party links on our site falls under the third party’s terms and conditions.

Reliance on Information & Disclaimer

The content made available on our website is for informational purposes only. It does not constitute professional advice and should not be relied upon as such. We disclaim all liability and responsibility for any losses that may result from reliance on the site’s content.

Changes to Our Site

We reserve the right to modify or discontinue our website, either temporarily or permanently. Content may be updated at any time and may become outdated. There is no obligation on our part to update such material.

Information Processing

Personal data gathered from users of our website will be processed in accordance with our privacy policy, as specified at the end of this document. Your use of the website implies consent to such processing.

Online Conduct

Any form of misuse of our site, including the introduction of viruses or other harmful material, is a criminal offence under the Computer Misuse Act 1990. Such conduct will be reported to the relevant authorities, and your right to use the site will be terminated immediately.

Third-Party Rights and Transfer of Rights and Obligations

  • Third parties can’t enforce any term of the Contract under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999. It’s just between you and us.
  • The Contract is binding for both parties and their successors or assigns.
  • You can’t transfer, assign, or otherwise change your side of the Contract without getting our OK in writing first.
  • We can transfer, assign, or otherwise change our end of the Contract whenever we want during its term.

Events Outside Our Control

  • We’re not liable for any failure or delay in performing our obligations due to events beyond our reasonable control (“Force Majeure Event”).
  • Force Majeure Events can include various things like misuse or hacking of our systems, strikes, wars, natural disasters, and governmental restrictions, among others.
  • Our responsibilities under the Contract are suspended for the duration of any Force Majeure Event. We’ll try our best to resolve the situation or find an alternative way to carry out our obligations.

Payment Methods and Default Consequences

You may place orders for our services through various payment methods, including Stripe, Bank transfer and GoCardless for Direct Debit transactions. Should you opt for these methods, you agree to their respective terms and conditions in addition to those laid out here.

Payment Default:

  1. Suspension of Services: If payment is not successfully completed by the due date, we reserve the right to suspend your services and limit account access. Notification will be sent by email, providing you a window to resolve the issue. (13 clear days)
  2. 59-Day Deletion Policy: Services such as hosted files, documents, emails, backups, and databases will be permanently deleted after 59 clear days of non-payment. We are not liable for any loss incurred due to this action.
  3. Reinstatement Fees: Should you wish to resume suspended services, a reinstatement fee may apply in addition to clearing all outstanding dues.
  4. Debt Recovery: If payments remain unresolved for an extended period, the account may be handed over to a collections agency. Additional fees may be levied to cover debt recovery expenses.
  5. Termination: Persistent non-payment could result in the termination of your contract with us, resulting in permanent data deletion for which we are not liable.

By placing an order through Stripe, GoCardless, or any other payment methods we provide, you acknowledge and consent to these payment default terms and their subsequent consequences.

Severability, Entire Agreement, and Changes to Terms

  • If any term or provision in the Contract is found to be invalid, the remaining terms will still be effective.
  • The terms and any referenced documents are the whole agreement between us. They replace all previous oral or written agreements.
  • Neither of us can claim remedies based on untrue statements made before the Contract unless they were made fraudulently.
  • We can change these terms and conditions, but you’ll be held to the terms in place at the time you ordered our services unless laws or authorities mandate a change.

Links to Other Sites

Our website may contain links to third-party sites. These links are provided solely for your convenience and we bear no responsibility for the content or operation of such sites.

Governing Law

These terms and conditions, as well as any disputes arising from them, are governed by the laws of England and Wales.

Amendments to Terms

These terms and conditions are subject to change at any time. It is your responsibility to review this page periodically.

Contact Information

If you have any queries or concerns regarding these terms and conditions, please direct them to accounts[at]

Privacy Policy

Details concerning our data processing practices can be found in our privacy policy, linked at the footer of our main website